Monday, July 17, 2017

Half Marathon Training - Week 3

Had a pretty rough week. Cat was sick again and back in the hospital, so I didn't have time to exercise for most of the week. However, I still got some workouts in and felt really good from them. I'll be getting back on track this week and it will be as though I never missed a week!

HM Week 3
I didn't get to swim at all.

I didn't get to ride at all.

I only got in one of my four runs. Even though it was the only run, I still got in 3.5 miles felt really good. I definitely need to start working on figuring out a way to retain water better, because even on these short distance runs I am needing a lot of hydration.

I only got one of my three strength sessions in. I had really hoped to at least get my strength sessions in, but I did not. I am sure this week's strength is going to be extra tough because of that.

For the most part I did much better with logging my meals and keeping closer to my calorie limits. I still have a lot of work to do on myself, but I will definitely get there.

Final Thoughts
Overall a bust week, but family first. I still got in a run and strength session and will get back on track this week. I was really happy to progress with at least my nutrition, as that will ultimately help me out with my weight loss goals.

My Journey to Ironman - Build Phase

The next 10 weeks are now complete. They were pretty rough, mainly because I was very sick twice. I missed out on a lot of long rides and ...