Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Half Marathon Training - Week 1

I completed my first week of half marathon training. I am extremely pleased to say that I not only got in all of my runs, but I felt pretty good during and after each of them. I am having considerably more back tightness than usual, so I will definitely need to dramatically increase my stretching. I also need to be extra vigilant about getting my strength sessions done. I felt amazing 2 weeks ago when I got in all of my strength sessions; a primary reason I think I felt so well overall this week.

Half Marathon Week 1

I got in 2 relaxing swims. Both were at a much slower pace than I would like, but I didn't push myself either since the whole purpose of the swims were to loosen up my muscles from running. And these two sessions did just that. It felt great!

I rode stationary after one of my runs. I went at a fairly easy cadence and resistance in order to help "shake-out" my legs. This worked out well, but not as good as swimming.

I got in 5/5 of my runs; 2 easy, 1 interval, 1 tempo, 1 long. Although my easy runs were at a more relaxed pace, they were still challenging since all but one run was outside and with hills. I'll definitely need to be starting to bring water with me on most runs, but I was able to manage with no hydration for my runs under 5k. Also, I really love using Nuun Energy or Hydration when I run, but I cannot use my small belt bottles for a tab. So, I need to figure out a solution for this.

I only got in 1/3 strength sessions completed. The session felt really good and I am definitely mad at myself for missing two really important strength sessions.

I have been doing terrible with nutrition. I don't have time to log my food, let alone plan meals. Also, my portion sizes are getting out of control and I have been stress binge eating junk food. On a positive note, I am at least getting back to cooking more, and aside from 4th of July, every meal I have cooked has been super healthy and restricted portion size.

Final Thoughts
I will continue to get my runs in, as well as cross training. I really need to start getting more rides in as well, but I will not miss a run for that. I will also be making sure I don't miss strength training in addition to making sure I stretch more. Aside from that, I will worry about nutrition once I can get more consistent with cooking.

My Journey to Ironman - Build Phase

The next 10 weeks are now complete. They were pretty rough, mainly because I was very sick twice. I missed out on a lot of long rides and ...