Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Disney Training - Week 7

The week kind of got away from me. More issues with my cat and battling some major issues with my house. I got in three of my five runs though, and finally got my long run in and completed. I was able to get in my stretches most days as well, which was a huge help. As usual, I didn't have time for anything else. Baby steps I guess; need to stay focused on running with Disney approaching quickly.

Dopey Week 7

No time this week.

No time this week.

As I noted, I completed three out of my five runs. I was able to get a short run, a moderate run, and my long run completed. I was pretty excited because my plan's long run mileage was only a few miles longer than what I completed. So, even though I have missed some weeks and a bunch of long runs, I still have most of my endurance. Granted, my legs were completely shot afterwards and extremely tired the following day (today as I am writing this). So, although I have my endurance, I don't have the strength needed to handle the impact and quicker recovery. I'll have to keep tossing in hills and hopefully some actual strength training to help this out.

Like the prior week, I got in all of my daily stretches, but no formal strength sessions. I will keep trying to stop coming up with excuses and get these in.

I logged almost none of my meals on MFP. I really need to figure out how to do this without it feeling like a chore. On a good note though, I am eating much better and the Halloween candy is gone. In addition we have Blue Apron three times a week, which has been helping due to the time constraints with everything else going on.

Final Thoughts
Life seems to always toss new challenges and try to get in the way. The key is to tackle things as they come and be able to quickly adjust. This is something I am always trying to work on. I have a good grasp of everything, so I am confident I will continue to see improvements in health, exercise and life in general. Have a great week everyone!

My Journey to Ironman - Build Phase

The next 10 weeks are now complete. They were pretty rough, mainly because I was very sick twice. I missed out on a lot of long rides and ...