Thursday, September 7, 2017

Half Marathon Training - Week 10

Another horrible week. Aside from a few strength sessions, I got in zero running and zero cardio. I had closing for my new house and my cat had a bunch of ER visits. Barely got any sleep either. Fortunately my eating wasn't too terrible, although I didn't log anything due to other higher priorities.

HM Week 10

No sessions.

No sessions.

No sessions.

I didn't have time to get in any structured workouts, but I made sure to do my stretches for my back and did core work almost everyday.

Overall I ate pretty well, even though mostly at maintenance calorie levels. I got very little sleep all week, however, and felt pretty awful and sluggish all week.

Final Thoughts
Not feeling too confident right now for a good time due to the amount of training I have missed. I know I will complete the half marathon, but I am not sure I will come anywhere near the time I wanted. However, life events were far more important, so I'll just have to make due and try to have a decent Week 11 if possible.

My Journey to Ironman - Build Phase

The next 10 weeks are now complete. They were pretty rough, mainly because I was very sick twice. I missed out on a lot of long rides and ...