Monday, March 20, 2017

Building Plan: Week 19 Complete

Another hectic week. I started off the week with time to exercise, but that quickly changed. Massive snow storm with wet and heavy snow over 12" killed me. Then lots of moving and staging stuff for getting ready for home sale. I was happy I got in the workouts I did though. They were really good sessions.

Week 19

I got in a relaxing swim this week. I was feeling pretty tight and it did wonders loosing me up. Surprisingly I got only 50 yards under my last swim that I was doing a larger effort on. This tells me that something is wrong with my form when I am doing regular swim sessions. I'll have to see if I can get someone to film me one of these times.

No cycling this week. I didn't have time.

I got in a warm-up run and one run session. I am transitioning off of my cadence training after next week and so I tried doing a 30 minute run without stopping. Although my cadence was around 170, I felt pretty good overall, and I wasn't have crazy HR spikes. I am ready to get back into full running training!

I only got in one session this week. However, My entire Thursday through Sunday was lots of lifting of furniture for moving and home staging. Still tons to do.

From a caloric standpoint, I did pretty well this week. I also did much better with my macros. However, overall nutrition wasn't that great.

Final Thoughts
I have one more week left of my building plan. I have achieved a lot and although I didn't hit every goal, I have come a long way and am set for all of the training I have coming up.

My Journey to Ironman - Build Phase

The next 10 weeks are now complete. They were pretty rough, mainly because I was very sick twice. I missed out on a lot of long rides and ...