Monday, March 13, 2017

Building Plan: Week 18 Complete

This week started out really well, but tapered off quickly. All of my workouts went really well though and I felt great. However, with getting ready to list my house and move, that took priority over working out. Then again, I got a pretty insane workout over the weekend from all of the cleaning, repairs, lifting and hauling I did.

Week 18

Finally got a swim in and it felt awesome. I definitely could have pushed myself harder, but it was purely to make sure I could still go 30 minutes without stopping and to loosen up from my prior workouts.

Got 2 warm-up rides in. They felt fine as always and I am looking forward to the upcoming week to get in actual rides; trainer rides, but still going to be longer sessions.

I got in one running session, a week 7/8 cadence run. It was really tough. The heat in the gym did not help, but it wasn't just that. I have found that I have really hit a plateau with running. My average cadence is actually going down lately. It doesn't matter if it's a 10 min warm-up or an actual session. Granted, my running consistency in the past few weeks has been sub-par, but I didn't expect to drop cadence this much. I am considering stopping the cadence training and focusing on endurance training while still trying to keep a higher cadence. With my move coming up soon, I am not sure I will get much better at workout consistency over the next 3-4 weeks. But I will try.

Got 2/4 sessions in and they were awesome. I definitely like the new challenging workouts. I am looking forward to next 3 upcoming sessions.

I am still overeating like crazy, and I don't expect things to get dramatically better until I move, as I will be trying to get rid of as much food in my house as possible before the move.

Final Thoughts
Even though my amount of workouts was low, the quality was really good and I am still seeing great benefits from my workouts, especially my strength sessions. Again, with my impending move and home sale things are rather chaotic and my goal over the next few weeks is to really get as many workouts in as I can, with a focus on strength.

My Journey to Ironman - Build Phase

The next 10 weeks are now complete. They were pretty rough, mainly because I was very sick twice. I missed out on a lot of long rides and ...