Monday, February 27, 2017

Building Plan: Week 16 Complete

What a week! Almost started with getting my workouts in, but then life hit. Had meetings preventing lunch workouts, then was dealing with house hunting and other work things after work. Haven't had a week like this where I legit didn't have time to work out. Sure, I could have tried to wake up even earlier than usual, but I was typically passing out each night from exhaustion, so I am not sure I could have pulled that off. Oh well, it happens, I'll get back on track this upcoming week.

Week 16

Still haven't been getting to the pool. This is becoming a bad habit and I am all out of excuses.

I got in a really great trainer cadence ride. I was able to maintain a longer duration at the new resistance while maintaining 90 RPM.

I got in a warm-up run. It felt really good and I had even bumped up the treadmill speed. I didn't expect my legs to get such terrible DOMS from that with the strength session though.

I got 2/4 strength sessions in despite only 2 workouts this week. They went really well, and I was sad I didn't have time to get the other 2 done. I think I will be repeating this routine, as I saw awesome gains and felt great. I will definitely need to keep working on my adductor muscles though. For some reason my strength + run destroyed them and I was having trouble walking for 2 days after.

For the most part, I did a lot better this week. I was still over my calories almost everyday, but I finally got rid of almost all of the junk food in the house now. And now at my grocery trip tonight I'll only be getting healthy stuff.

Final Thoughts
Despite the hectic week, I still maintained decent overall nutrition and made sure I got sleep. I am feeling much better for it. Hopefully things should be more back to normal this upcoming week.

My Journey to Ironman - Build Phase

The next 10 weeks are now complete. They were pretty rough, mainly because I was very sick twice. I missed out on a lot of long rides and ...