I am a software engineer, currently working in the business intelligence arena. However, I am really big on systems thinking, process re-engineering, software integration, and software solutions. In addition, I am really into fitness and fitness technology. I am a runner for life, but hooked on triathlons ever since I did my first one. I hope to share my ideas for tech in the business world, tech as it relates to fitness, and my fitness journey.
Monday, November 21, 2016
Building Plan: Week 2 Complete
Last week was Week 2 of my training plan. Overall, I saw a good amount of improvement in my workout consistency. I still missed a cadence run workout, which I really did not want to miss. However, I let getting ready for Thanksgiving be my excuse for not getting it done. Shame on me, but I'll be good this week no matter what.
My strength sessions keep improving. I did a fit challenge last week and pretty much passed out afterwards. I am really impressed with the improvements NTC (Nike Training Club) has made to the workouts and the app. I am really enjoying using it and seeing great gains each week, both in strength and mobility.
My running keeps improving. I was able to get complete my cadence runs at 180 spm for all 3 reps. I will be moving on to Week 2/3 of my plan. Words cannot express my excitement!
I did not get my other cross training in, which was disappointing, but I will focus on that this week. I am not going to let a holiday be an excuse. It's my job to make the time!
I am still having trouble with my weight, but my main goal was to get consistent with my workouts first. I am almost there, so I will be focusing on weight next.
Anyway, hope everyone is doing well with their goals and have a wonderful, happy and safe Thanksgiving!
My Journey to Ironman - Build Phase
The next 10 weeks are now complete. They were pretty rough, mainly because I was very sick twice. I missed out on a lot of long rides and ...
I used to have Windows Mobile phone. I pretty much managed my life from it. Plus I could edit word and excel documents, create PDFs, view pr...
Not a good week at all. Many rush trips to vet hospital and a couple ER visits. Didn't really have time for any workouts. I was able to ...
The week kind of got away from me. More issues with my cat and battling some major issues with my house. I got in three of my five runs thou...